Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hope for the future, Obama style

I'm not what you would call a traditionally patriotic person. In my life I have found there is a whole side of things that are never truly brought to light, but behind closed doors are whispered, understood, and sometimes demonized. So often it seems that people in positions of power actively cure the symptoms and then boldly look at the sickness and don't even try to diagnose it. They instead pretend it is not there and offer solutions to continue and fix the ever reoccurring symptoms. That unwillingness to even acknowledge the unadulterated truth has bred a good deal of strong emotion in my heart over time and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
That being said, Obama's speech last week at the Democratic National Convention really gave me hope that we can have a person lead this country that can finally begin treatment on such a long standing problem, the lack of true unity amongst us all. With that, get that mutha @#$%*& inspiration &*%#$@$!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Thanks for posting that - it amazes me that McCain is still leading the polls. I've seen a few speeches from both, and I can't imagine anyone doing the same and still voting for McCain. We absolutely need more people to vote! Obama has a solid handle on how to approach the most important issues, the oratorical ability to communicate his passion, and a vision that actually stands a chance at reinvigorating our populace. Keep spreading the fire!

Anonymous said...

OBAMA '08! I can't wait for the debates, that old sack of crazy is going down!